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ELEGANT Final Conference

ELEGANT Final Conference

Dead Sea - Jordan 19-20 September 2023

Kick-off Event

Kick-off Event

The ELEGANT project was officially launched on 9–10 February 2020 at the Dead Sea, Jordan.



The general aim of the project is to enhance the cooperation between partner country universities and enterprises in Jordan and Lebanon in order to improve the teaching and learning experience of their students, strengthen the employability skills of graduates, and create conditions for cooperation in the areas of applied research and knowledge transfer between partner universities and enterprises.

Graduation Caps

Industry-Academia Partnership

ELEGANT aims to stimulate a culture of University-Enterprise cooperation amongst the staff and students of partner universities and to develop new forms of industry oriented education in partner universities by establishing close cooperation with a number of enterprises through the newly set up Liaison Offices, arranging placements for students in companies, and involving qualified company employees in teaching and mentoring student projects and theses.

Empty Chairs in Lecture Room

Improved teaching and learning

ELEGANT aims to update and upgrade the capacities of academic and technical staff of partner universities through study visits to EU partner institutions and to improve the ICT curricula with the support of EU partners and local partner enterprises and strengthen the internationalisation of partner country universities by engaging EU professors in teaching and in improving the curricula of ICT courses.

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ELEGANT: Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Graduate Employability through University-Enterprise Cooperation. An Erasmus+ CBHE project.

©2024 by ELEGANT

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the Consortium of partner universities and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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