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ELEGANT Kick-off Meeting

Dead Sea - Jordan, 09-10 February 2020

Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Graduate Employability through University-Enterprise Cooperation (ELEGANT) was officially launched on 9–10 February 2020 at the Hilton Dead Sea Resort, Jordan. 25 participants attended the event.


The event was an opportunity for all project partners to come together to discuss and exchange ideas about the project activities and building the road map to secure the success of these activities. 


Partners introduced their institutions and described their specific objectives in the ELEGANT project. They also presented the upcoming activities of the project which would enable partners to have profitable exchanges and benefit from their collaboration. The upcoming activities were discussed in detail and the role of each partner clearly identified.

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ELEGANT: Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Graduate Employability through University-Enterprise Cooperation. An Erasmus+ CBHE project.

©2024 by ELEGANT

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the Consortium of partner universities and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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