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Steering Committee of the ELEGANT Project

Prof. Nebojsa Stojcic
University of Dubrovnik
- Croatia -

Prof. Iraj Hashi
University of Dubrovnik
- Croatia -

Mr. Yazan Abu Yaghi
Princess Sumaya University for Technology
- Jordan -

Prof. Walid Abu Salameh
Princess Sumaya University for Technology
- Jordan -

Ms. Meena Dawaher
Princess Sumaya University for Technology
- Jordan -

Prof Fahmi Abu Al-Rub
Jordan University of Science and Technology
- Jordan -

Prof. Tareq Azab
Al-Balqa Applied University
- Jordan -
Mr. Ayad Al-Ashram
Information and Communication Technology Association of Jordan
- Jordan -

Prof. Bassem Kaissi
Modern University of Business and Sciences
- Lebanon -
Prof. Soubhi Abu Chahine
Beirut Arab University
- Lebanon -

Dr. Joumana Dargham
Syndicate of Computer Sciences of Lebanon
- Lebanon -

Dr. Abdel Hamid Soliman
Staffordshire University
- UK -

Prof. Giuseppe Canullo
Universita Politecnica delle Marche
- Italy -

Dr. Marina Ventura
Psicoglobal Co
- Portugal -
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