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Virtual Meeting at JUST: Experts from industry speak to students at JUST

Irbid - Jordan, 16-20 November 2020

During the Global Entrepreneurship Week (16-20 November 2020), the Centre for Excellence for Innovative Projects (CEIP) at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) organised a number of events for experts from the industry and commerce to give lectures and run workshops on the latest developments in a number of ICT areas and the implications for University students. Due to the Corona Virus restrictions, The following events were held on line:

(i) Artificial Intelligence and Entrepreneurship: 


As part of its participation in the Global Entrepreneurship Week, CEIP organized a lecture titled "The Role Artificial Intelligence Plays in Entrepreneurship and Industrial Domains", on 19 November 2020. The lecture was presented by Mr. Hani Al-Shatter, an expert working for a major international tech company (name withheld), who provided the audience with valuable information regarding the concept of Artificial Intelligence and its importance to the fields of entrepreneurship and industry. He also talked about his experience in that domain. Mr. Al-Shatter employed a hypothetical example to provide the audience with a detailed explanation of the methods followed to build Artificial Intelligence models, covering all its stages, starting with data collection all the way until the decision-making process. The lecture was concluded with a Q & A segment through which Mr. Hani answered the attendees' questions and advised them to rely on the best methods to learn and master Artificial Intelligence, whether for academic or professional purposes. 13 students participated in this event.



(ii) The Role of the Internet of things in Promoting Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship:


Celebrating the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), in cooperation with Shamal Start, CIEP held a workshop under the title "The Role of the Internet of things in Promoting Industrial Development and Entrepreneurship", on 19 November 2020. The workshop was presented by Mr. Yazan Abu Debseh, an expert engineer at Shamal Start, who provided an overview of the concept "Internet of Things", including its history and importance in industrial and business domains. Mr. Abu Debseh provided real-life examples of the most significant achievements and services locally achieved through "The Internet of Things" shedding light on the various techniques and protocols employed in that domain. He also provided the attendees with a step by step demonstration of controlling an experimental device through the Intenet. Mr. Abu Debseh concluded the workshop by answering the attendees' questions and inquiries. 10 students participated in this event.


(iii) The Effect of Using Robots on the Quality of Education:


As part of its activities during the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), CIEP organized a lecture under the title "The Effect of Using Robots on the Quality of Education." The lecture was presented by the qualified trainer Ahmad Al-Tawalbah, an expert working for the company Automateki on Saturday, 21st November 2020. Being an expert in the field who has refereed several national, regional, and international contexts, Al- Tawalbah generously shared his experience with the attendees providing them with valuable information regarding the benefits of using robots in teaching basic science subjects including chemistry, physics, and others. He has also shed light on the importance of programming by comparing traditional education to robot-based education, which motivates creativity. Finally, Al-Tawalbah answered the attendees' questions regarding this topic and advised them to follow innovative teaching methods to enhance the quality of education. 37 students participated in this event.

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