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Employability Academy and Training for Mentors from Industry (Led by Psicoglobal Ltd - Portugal)

Amman - Jordan,  31 August 2022 – 01 September 2022


Attended by staff from partner institutions in Jordan and Lebanon, the two Workshops were organised by Psicoglobal Ltd at Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT). After three online workshops on Employability Academy, the participants (mainly the Liaison Officers of the project) joined an in person finale with Dr. Marina Ventura and Ms Joana Costa from Psicoglobal Ltd conducting the final workshop of the programme. The event aimed to develop new strategies for Liaison Officers to get students involved in coming up with advanced ideas, train them on recruitment selection processes and organise projects that establish effective communication between employers and universities. 

The two Portuguese colleagues then conducted a workshop on Training Industry Experts as Mentors for students projects for another group of colleagues from partner universities. These colleagues would in turn organise workshops in their own universities for mentors from Industry. 17 participants attended the event.


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